Large Language Models are about language. They revolutionised how many people interact with information, notably because they “speak” our human language.

Yet, looking at many presentations, articles, and otherwise documents conveying information, one can notice only some of it comes in text. Besides the text, we often see tables, charts, graphs, and various infographics. And photos, but that’s another topic.

  • Text: good when you need to transmit information where the concept of time is helpful (example: explaining more and more complex things; storytelling; manipulation; …)
  • Bullet points: good for listing, and, to a certain extent, for multi-level information
  • Tables: good for numbers, or otherwise information that you might need to visually search or compare
  • Charts: good for quickly conveying/understanding trends, comparisons, classification…
  • Schemas: good for a visual representation of things that can be harder to explain in text
  • Infographics: good for a quicker reading & understanding of simple information, often gives a high degree of freedom to the reader

We chat with ChatGPT and other LLMs in text, and we get answers in text, lists (bullet points) and sometimes tables. Now, it can sometimes include charts. But never with great visuals, schemas, infographics.