A plugin for Obsidian to ease linking and searching notes for multilingual users
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the idea:

  • the pain: Obsidian (what’s that? ↗) is such a great tool for personal & professional knowledge management thanks to its powerful linking logic. But the linking relies on note names, which makes using Obsidian in more than one language difficult, especially for multilingual people.
  • the idea: a plugin for Obsidian that translates the title of a page into select languages, and add these translations as aliases, either automatically on page creation/rename or with a command/button
  • the deeper goal: better use Obsidian for thought across many languages, notably for multilingual people.


  • Translating note names into desired languages. Translations are added to the Obsidian aliases, which allows searching and linking notes in all of the languages of the user.
  • An option to automatically add translations every time a note is created or renamed.
  • Choosing between Google Translation and DeepL as translation service.

The plugin leverages Obsidian aliases, so that all links remain functional even if the plugin uninstalled.

next features

  • maybe
    • languages validation
    • selecting a main title language (for users wishing a higher consistency in notes naming)
      • either to avoid language detection
      • or to translate to it if the title was typed in a different language
    • explanation of how to set up (get API key) on first use / in settings


  • MVP ready
  • v1.0.0: published